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An Avid Golfers’ Dream Job – Golf Tour Rep

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An Avid Golfers’ Dream Job – Golf Tour Rep

Some people have to go to an office every day to earn a living, not golf tour reps. They have the job that every avid golfer dreams of having. Who wouldn’t want to mingle with the elite golfers on the PGA Tour every Monday-Wednesday? Stand side by side while fitting them with the latest equipment and watch those effortless swings all day long. So what does this dream job entail and why do companies need them?

Why do companies need a Golf Tour Rep?

For the last 15 years or so golf companies have realized that it is crucial for weekend golf viewers to see their equipment or logo on the network. This even became even more important once the Golf Channel began covering the Thursday & Friday rounds each week. Today there are mega vans that travel thousands of miles each year to support the Tour and the very talented reps.

Golf Tour Rep’s Job Responsibilities

The week starts for these company representatives on Sunday night or early Monday morning as they travel to the event. Vans usually arrive on Sunday get set up and then wait for the circus to arrive. Monday is a slow day with players arriving who did not make the prior week’s cut or players who did not play the week before. Golf Tour reps really get busy on Tuesday as players go out and play their practice rounds and then come back to the range to “tweak” equipment.

There are a few players who never change shafts, grips, or clubs while there are others who are more apt to test …looking for the answer. Wednesday is the Pro-Am and the day’s biggest challenge is making sure the amateurs stay out of the vans looking for new free equipment. Pro’s never pay, you and I do…

What makes a great Golf Tour Rep?

The most important asset for a PGA Tour rep is his relationship with the players which can take years to establish. IonLoop is fortunate to have one of the most respected and experienced professionals on Tour, Mike Neal. I cannot think of anyone in this close knit community that would have anything but great things to say about Mike’s 14 years on the PGA Tour. Mike interacts with the players and presents them with IonLoop bracelets usually around the putting green. If you’re ever out at an event Monday-Wednesday please look for Mike and say hello.


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