An ion is an electrically charged atom or molecule. Atoms are everywhere and they can be positively or negatively charged – which means they can be positive or negative ions. Positive and negative ions are present in the air all around us.
Read WebMD Article: Negative Ions Create Positive Vibes
Read: Positive Ion Poisoning
It is thought that Negative Ions counteract and balance the effects of positive ions. The IonLoop® band contains the natural, negative ion producing mineral tourmaline, a silicate mineral that we also compound with important elements, such as aluminum, iron, magnesium, sodium, lithium, and potassium.
Shop NowYes, IonLoop over the years has manufactured bracelets for adidas to be sold in over 25 countries: adidas AG requires that all products be tested for consumer safety. The results conclusively show that the IonLoop negative ion bands and magnets passed a very complex A-01 hazardous material test protocol. These tests have been conducted by TUV Rheinland which is the adidas AG nominated testing company.
Download our Test Report: TURheinland PDF
Shop NowDo you know the feeling of lying on a beach all day and then feeling exhausted? If you ever asked yourself how doing nothing all day can get you so tired, we have the answer: in nature, positive ions come from the sun’s UV rays and positive ions drain our energy. Also in our daily life, we also absorb harmful positive ions from computers, cell phones, fluorescent lights, and machinery.
On the other hand, think about how great the air feels just after a thunderstorm or when you’re standing next to a waterfall? That smell, that feeling are the effects of negative ions that fill the atmosphere. We notice and enjoy them! Negative ions are thought to have a positive effect on our psyche, our sense of well-being… and perhaps even our sense of happiness. Negative ions manifest from nature… rain, trees, grasses, and minerals all contain helpful negative ion properties.
Shop NowSome studies suggest that continuous exposure to negative ions is an effective treatment against Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Read more about these studies on our post "SAD and the Benefits of Negative Ion Therapy".
During strenuous exercise, the body produces lactic acid which is positively charged. There are some sports medicine experts who believe that by introducing negative ions to the body recovery time may be shortened.
Those performing regular workout routines, men's sports, and women's sports from skateboarding, biking, all sports… even trail running…. have reported a higher level of focus and performance!
Many people believe in the benefits of Negative Ions. We, at IonLoop®, make no medical claims with regards to negative ions. We only offer the user a way to experience and judge for themselves the benefits and effects of this new technology.
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