Posted by IonLoop on 2/12/2013
As the temperature continues to linger around freezing in most parts of the country we suggest that you consider getting off the couch and get ready for the 2013 golf season. The experts tell us that there are three main areas that should be considered; Power, Mechanics, and Flexibility. These three main points are so well described in a recent edition of Men’s Health. Let me summarize…
Power…the fact is that power comes from flexibility & weight training. Lifting weights is not necessarily the best thing for the golf swing. Bulky muscles will restrict the full turn that is critical for an explosive golf swing. Can you image The Hulk trying to complete a full shoulder turn? We must combine flexibility training with weight training to achieve maximum power.
Mechanics…you need to have a basic understanding of the mechanics of the golf swing…shoulder turn + lower body = constant accurate shots. How do you train your body to repeat the same “move” time after time? Believe it or not there are speed, twist, and weight drills that will help mechanics.
Flexibility… this is the most critical element in the golf swing. As we grow older and less flexible the tendency is to shorten up the swing which can only result in lost distance. Played golf with your father lately? Gotta get those shoulders turned 90 degrees, hips 45 degrees. Not that easy unless you maintain a flexible “golf body”.
I would suggest that we all go to to learn the specific stretches and exercises recommended by Katherine Roberts an expert on flexibility and strength training. Of course we would also recommend an IonLoop sports bracelet which will provide all the benefits that magnets + negative ions have to offer golfers at all levels. PGA Tour players believe in our technology each and every week… give IonLoop a try and you too will become a believer.
If you’ve seen the recent trend of wearing therapy bands for health benefits, you might be wondering how do magnetic bracelets work? In simple terms, these wristbands are made using high-quality materials and infused with potent magnets. And when we say magnets, we don’t mean the flimsy little ones you’d find on your refrigerator. The magnets found in an IonLoop are tested using a gauss meter to ensure potency and high therapeutic energy. When these accessories are worn, it’s believed they may affect the human body’s own magnetic field. Researchers are currently investing the potential anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and recovery-enhancing qualities of magnetic therapy.
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