5 Health Tips to Help You Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions
If you’re familiar with the business term, “SMART goal,” you know
that you’ll need tangible health tips to reach any healthy living goals
you may have set this year. Learn 10 ways to boost your health through
2014 and beyond!
1. Lose weight by setting a weekly goal
So your New Year’s resolution involves a target weight – that’s a
great first step (as long as it’s realistic)! Now it’s time to measure
those goals:
- Aim for no more than two pounds a week to avoid health complications from quick weight loss.
- Choose a sustainable exercise and diet program rather than a difficult regimen that typically results in burnout.
- Maintain this lifestyle… for life.
2. Go outside to improve your health
Commit to spending 30 minutes outside a day to get the healthy living
benefits offered by nature, like negative ions and vitamin D. Here are
some easy ways to build sunshine into your days:
- Take quick walks instead of coffee breaks.
- Park farther away from work, the store and the gym.
- Take your meetings out of the boardroom or coffee shop and onto a walking trail.
- Do at least some part of your normal exercise routine outdoors.
- Go for walks after dinner.
3. Make a healthy habit of wearing a negative ion bracelet
Yes, IonLoop is plugging silicone wristbands as a healthy New Year’s resolution. So:
- Invest in the different styles offered by IonLoop for every look and occasion.
- Negative ion wristbands are a constant visual reminder of healthy New Year’s resolutions.
- Opt for a model with magnets to add the potential health benefits of magnetic therapy.
4. Get more sleep
If you’re lacking in sleep, follow these tips:
- Add 30 minutes each week until you reach your target.
- Consider setting a bedtime alarm if you’re prone to fighting sleep. This can help trigger your get-ready-for-bed routine.
- Keep your eyes off blue-light electronics like televisions, cell phones and computers.
- Plan the following day so you don’t have to worry about it while you’re trying to fall asleep.
- Make your room dark and quiet to signal the release of your sleepy time hormones.
5. Learn how to relax with these help tips
Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the US and can be
caused by factors like high blood pressure and stress. Here are a few
quick tips you might want to build into your lifestyle:
- Learn breathing techniques.
- Practice yoga.
- Laugh more.
- Learn to think positively.
- Surround yourself with a healthy community.
Now go do it and good luck!